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Maurrem Devoy

Age (book 1): 210

Born year: 23011

Height: 6 ft 0 in

Maurrem was born in the mining city of Tortiaine in the country, Marmeada, in the year 23011.

He discovered his knack for weaving at age thirteen, when he found an aged stone slab deep inside the mine system and learned his first root word.

His father threw him out when Maurrem refused to stop weaving.

Maurrem spent a year of his life homeless, before Sirds Mednekai found and took him in. The rest of his life up to this point (23221) has been spent in gaining strength and skill in weaving. He rose up through the social ranks of the Mednekai quickly, attaining a vaulberndail requiem that extends his life and increases his weaving skills. He served countless missions for Sirds Mednekai abroad in the nations of Kern, Dershja and later Verra, but has yet to visit Jushosh or Narimond. Allvelore is restricted to the sea-folk, known as the Atle.

Maurrem has a strong ambition and drive to get what he wants. He is also patient to the point that he will wait years to see his plans carried out.

Maurrem grew up in the mining town of Tortiaine. His father ran the group called the Elders (a branch off of the prominent group started within Jushosh) with a few other select members. This group was largely formed in opposition to humans weaving. The human tendency to become corrupt was too high, in their view, to allow humans the power of weaving. Their main goal was to limit the use of weaving to practical uses, like those enchantments used on everyday objects by the ethrea to light their homes.

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