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Built in the year 23009,

The Dominas was originally built to fend off the Naux during The Hunt that spanned from year 22995-23121.

When first built, the cannon was capable of causing damage up to a range of 10-20 kilometers. King Deviss' reconstruction is limited to a 6km range. Problems like thermal blooming and tracking were resolved by blending laser, solar and plasma beam technology. Additional advances during the tech age resulted in scalability for a bazooka-sized cannon, the Mini-Dom.

The Condensed Energy Plasma Beam (CEP-B) had a chemical oxygen iodine laser (COIL) system added four years later in the Mini-Dom. Using COIL technology, the weapon could then bend the laws of thermodynamics and harness previously unimaginable heat and energy. A sophisticated cooling vent rids the chamber of spent reactants and ensures the safety of the user.

The blue light of the plasma beam is caused by the power source (Aquaridite), which has a blue hue and is broken down as fuel in each shot fired. Aquaridite is mined in the Teaere Mountains primarily, but veins of Aquaridite are also found and mined from the Asagda Mountains, and various mining sites deep in the country of Kern.

After the success of COIL in the Mini-Dom it was added to the Dominas cannon, but there are still limitations. The Dominas does not hold a continuous stream of plasma because the longer it is on, the more the beam diffuses into the air (thermal blooming) decreasing the overall destructive force caused by the condensed energy.

Damage caused by the Dominas (both cannon and Mini-Dom) range from melted impact zones up to full on explosions (dependent on what is stored in the target area, as combustible sources will burst when struck by the beam, as well as how long the charge was able to build). The high heat level will burn through a human body within seconds, leaving nothing behind where struck.

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